14 October 2017
Mark presents at BMES 2017

Mark gave the CVPM lab’s first presentation at a conference. Mark gave a podium presentation entitled “Image Processing Framework Utilizing OCT and MicroCT to Characterize the 3D Deformed In Vivo Stent Geometry”. Great talk, Mark!

14 October 2017
Billy presents at SPUR Symposium

Billy presented his summer research entitled “Design and Construction of a Computer-Controlled Biaxial Testing Device for Vascular Tissue” at the SPUR Symposium. We enjoyed having you in the lab this summer, Billy!

16 May 2017
Billy Jeon joins CVPM lab for the summer

Billy has joined the CVPM lab for the summer as part of the Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) at the U. Billy is visiting from Rice University where he is an undergraduate in the Department of Bioengineering. Welcome Billy!

5 May 2017
David Jiang awarded UROP award

David was award an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) award for the Summer 2017 semester on his project titled “Designing and Constructing a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Compatible Physiologic Flow Circuit”. Congratulations David!